
Explore UAE’s eco-communities

Shop sustainable, join the movement, live an eco-life

Shops and Services

Think sustainable while purchasing. View these shops and services which have sustainability at the core of their mission and vision.

Initiatives and Campaigns

No action is too small. With these initiatives and campaigns, we move one step closer to a more sustainable tomorrow.

Influencers and Organisations

Using social media platforms for good. These influencers and organisations work towards increasing awareness about sustainability.

Eco Events

Become a part of the action. Learn about nature and get a chance to protect it through these nature-friendly events in the UAE.

Shops and Services

Whether you’re looking for eco-friendly products, organic foods, ethical clothing brands, or premium sustainable services in the UAE, we have it all covered. Here are shops and services in the UAE that promote sustainability with an aim to have a healthier and happier tomorrow.

Initiatives and Campaigns

No step is insignificant when taken in the right direction, especially when it comes to making an impactful positive change to our environment and future generations. These initiatives and campaigns have paved the way for everyone to contribute and be mindful of their choices. Each step contributes substantially to sustainability for a greener future.

Influencers and Organisations

Influencers are lifestyle leaders who, with the use of virtual platforms, promote a reality people want. When activated for causes, they are a force to reckon on their own. Check out these influencers that promote sustainability while resonating with different passion points of the masses – fashionistas speaking about eco-fashion, yogis speaking about sustainable mat production, and the really direct ones like the Paper Bag Boy. We create a movement with them all.


Never miss out on eco-events that elevate the consciousness when it comes to sustainability quotient of the masses. Curating the events that matter to create a sustainable future, may it be creating literacy via talks or getting our hands dirty at beach cleanups, we leave no shell unturned. Become a part of the action.

What our community says

Learn about Allah from the best lecturers

We have one planet. It’s time we save it.

plasticfree uae

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